Restoration Work
The following is a description of the restoration project which will focus on the rebuilding of the area within the orange dashed line on the image shown.
This etching is on a piece of A.B. Petrie's envelope stationary that was found in the building. It represents the highest resolution image we have of the original facade. Of special note are the two finials on the upper corners of the building which either fell off or were removed sometime in the early 20th century. One of these finials was found in the attic and although damaged can be repaired and used as a model for the other finial.
Damaged Finial Found in Attic . One company remains in North America that replicate the stamped galvanized zinc ornamentation. This piece will be sent to W.F. Norman and Co. in Kansas Missouri where it will be repaired and a duplicate made. The galvanized sheet steel wrap will then be replicated in Guelph by Empire Restoration Canada and the element will be re-attached of the top of the Petrie Building.